Otoplasty is a surgical procedure designed to improve the appearance of the ears. Patients with oversized, misshapen, or protruding ears can see dramatic improvement after an otoplasty procedure. The reconstructive surgery American Aesthetic Medical Center can fix all aesthetic issues of the ear, ranging from a birth defect to an unnatural shape after an injury.
A successful otoplasty can be performed on both an adult patient, as well as children. Once the ears are close to fully developed, the surgical procedure can effectively reshape their size, shape, and position on the head.

2-3 hours

General Anesthesia

1-2 Weeks

Very High Success Rate
To perform otoplasty surgery, incisions will be placed behind the ears, which allow for the ear cartilage to be reshaped and ultimately repositioned. Once this cartilage is contoured for a less prominent look, sutures will be added to hold the new position until they fully heal. The entire procedure usually takes about 2-3 hours to complete. To make the process as comfortable as possible for the patient, IV sedation will be used as well as a local anesthetic when necessary. Afterward, otoplasty patients will wear a bandage around the head for the first few days after surgery to protect the ears. Patients often experience aching or throbbing during this time, which can be managed with an oral pain medication.
Pre-op Preparation
- No pain medications that contain aspirin [Tylenol or other brand that has no aspirin is the only pain medication you can take]. No inflammatory drugs, no vitamin E etc. for minimum of 7 days before and after the surgery [check the list of medications on the next page].
- If you are presently taking high blood pressure medication, you may take your medication the morning of surgery with as little water as possible. Please make sure that the doctor is aware that you are taking medication.
- No Alcoholic drinks 3 days before and after surgery.
- No smoking 1 week before and after surgery. For facelift patients smoking is not allowed for a minimum of 4 weeks before and after surgery.
- No exercise for 2 days before surgery. No exercise 4 weeks after surgery.
- Do not wear make-up, including false eye lashes, lipstick, nail polish, and contact lenses the day of your surgery.
- Wear a loose button down shirt, loose pant and sandal [NO TIGHT CLOTHING PLEASE) cloths may get dirty so it is better to wear old clothing.
- Take a bath and use antibiotic soaps the morning before surgery.
- For tummy tuck and liposuction patients, DO NOT shave your pubic hair before the surgery.
- Bring your prescriptions with you the day of your surgery.
- Make sure that a responsible person will be with you to give you a ride home and be with you 24 hours after your surgery.
- For female patients, make sure that you are not pregnant before the surgery.
- You may bring a scarf, sun glasses or other articles to cover your dressings when leaving the office.
- It is best not to have a permanent or hair coloring within 7 days prior to surgery.
Post-op Care
- Have someone drive you home after surgery and help you at home for 1-2 days.
- Get plenty of rest.
- Follow balanced diet.
- Decreased activity may promote constipation, so you may want to add more raw fruit to your diet, and be sure to increase fluid intake.
- Take pain medication as prescribed. Do not take aspirin or any products containing aspirin unless approved by your surgeon.
- Do not drink alcohol when taking pain medications.
- Even when not taking pain medications, no alcohol for 3 weeks as it causes fluid retention.
- If you are taking vitamins with iron, resume these as tolerated.
- Do not smoke, as smoking delays healing and increases the risk of complications.
Before & After
Benefits of Otoplasty
The otoplasty procedure repositions the ears of the patient in such a way that they lay flatter against the head. Benefits of otoplasty include:
- Repositioning the ears to create a more aesthetically pleasing look
- Correcting ear abnormalities caused by trauma or injury
- Boosting confidence and self-esteem
- Often little downtime required and a minimal recovery period
Healthy individuals looking to improve the appearance of large, prominent or misshapen ears may be good candidates for otoplasty. The procedure can be performed as early as age four, which can help to lessen the psychological and emotional discomfort that children may otherwise endure. Otoplasty is also performed on adults.
There is typically little discomfort and not too much downtime associated with otoplasty. Some throbbing or aching of the ears can occur, though most patients are up and about within a few hours of their surgery. The head will likely be wrapped in a bandage, and the stitches will be removed or dissolve on their own in about a week.
For children, otoplasty can be done from age 5 and up. Otoplasty can also be done in adults of all ages.
Since the ears do not grow or change after a certain age, once the corrections performed during otoplasty are made, results will be permanent.
As with any surgical procedure, there are a few risks associated with otoplasty. These include infection, anesthesia risks, poor wound healing, unfavorable scarring, lack of symmetry, and bleeding.
The mechanism for hearing is located inside the ears. otoplasty only involves altering the outside of the ears, so it will not affect a patient’s hearing.