Beard FUE Transplant


Beard transplantation is a well-known aesthetic treatment favored by many people. The beard treatment is easy and fast for men who want an intensive and regular beard and who are not satisfied with their appearance.

Regarding to the method of application, the hair follicles are obtained from the donor with the same method of hair transplantation and are planted in the treated area.

It can be applied to the cheeks, jaws and mustaches. The hair follicles that will be implanted must be adapted to the fineness, thickness and frequency of the area of the face where the person wishes to plant the follicles. As a result, the place where the hair follicles will be taken is determined.



2-5 hours


Local Anesthesia




Very High Success Rate

Pre-op Preparation

Just like hair transplant, beard hair transplant technique also requires following some important pre-op instructions. Listed below are some common pre-op instructions that nearly every patient needs to follow:

1. Avoid the use of anti-inflammatory drugs, aspirin, and other blood-thinning medications.

2. Avoid smoking as well as drinking prior to surgery. Both can cause excessive bleeding and interfere with the healing process.

3. Avoid drinking caffeinated drinks on the day of the surgery.

Pre-op Preparation

1. Few patients may feel numbness around mouth and difficulty in the opening mouth due to the effect of anesthesia. Hence, they are advised to take juices and fluids for 1 day. Then semi-solid foods on 2nd day.

2. For the first 5 days, the areas transplanted must be kept moist. This helps to decrease the scab formation and allows the hairs to set properly, helping assure the maintenance of proper angulation of hair growth.

3. Antibiotics and analgesics (for the donor area) are given for seven days.

4. Shaving is not permitted until the eighth day.

5. Transplanted hairs start to regrow by the fourth month, and can be shaved or allowed to grow out.

6. Most patients are satisfied with the initial density from one procedure but a secondary, touch-up procedure can be performed after 1 year to create further density.


1. Bumpiness or irregularity of skin can happen in the transplanted area especially goatee and mustache area.

2. Improper direction of grafts when not placed in ultra-acute angles. However, with proper technique and usage of smallest slits, these complications are almost nullified.

3. Mild redness and slight swelling in the facial area for a few days after the procedure, is common and will reduce in 2-3 days.

Benefits of Beard FUE Transplant

1. Minimally invasive, no sutures or stitches needed

2. Improves the density of sparse and patchy beards

3. Visually improves trauma or Acne scarring

4. Perfect for cherry-picking suitable hair follicles for beard restoration

5. Simple aftercare and minimal downtime recovery