Microneedling with PRP


Microneedling with PRP is a cosmetic treatment that stimulates collagen production by rolling fine needles over the skin and applying platelets, which are one of the components of blood.

The addition of PRP from the blood may make microneedling more effective. The liquid in blood is plasma, while platelets are solid. Platelets help blood clot, so they are vital for healing wounds and injuries. PRP is plasma in which the concentration of platelets is higher than that of other components of the blood.



45-60 Mins






Very High Success Rate


The doctor will take a blood sample and then use a spinning tool called a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the rest of the blood. PRP contains proteins, including growth factors and cytokines. These proteins help skin tissue repair itself.

First, the doctor will use a microneedling tool to prick the skin, making tiny holes in the skin’s surface. They will then apply PRP to these tiny holes to encourage collagen production and cell reproduction.

Benefits of Microneedling with PRP

Microneedling with PRP has many benefits, including:

  1. Reduces broken capillaries and spider veins
  2. Reduces the appearance of large pores
  3. Reduces acne scars
  4. Evens skin tone
  5. Improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
  6. Gives the skin a fresh glow
  7. Gives the skin a firmer and smoother texture
  8. Helps lighten sun spots

Before & After


Many patients begin to see results within the first few days after their initial treatment. Results will continue to become visible over the next six months as your body’s natural collagen production continues. Full results are usually seen at the six month mark.

After microneedling with PRP some patients have reported their skin looking pink, feeling as if it were sunburned, and slightly swollen. These side effects will usually subside within the first two to three days. Other side effects you may experience include, bruising, irritation, discomfort, and tenderness on the treatment sites.

Following your microneedling and PRP session, it is important to practice proper skincare. A regime of mild products should be used until your skin has completely healed after your treatment. Retinols, Retin A, and other more intense skincare products can be used again once you are healed and get the approval of your doctor. It is also essential to protect your skin from the sun and wear a sunscreen of at least 30 spf daily.

Healthy individuals who are looking to reduce the appearance of mild to moderate fine lines, wrinkles, acne scarring, hyperpigmentation, and other skin imperfections may be great candidates for micro needling with PRP. Those with more severe skin imperfections may want to consider more intensive cosmetic procedures. This treatment is not recommended for patients that have any blood-related conditions such as anemia. Additionally, if you are taking blood thinners or NSAIDS, consult your doctor, as these should be discontinued before and after treatment.

The best way to know if you are a good candidate is to schedule a consultation with our qualified and experienced doctors. They will be able to assess your skin conditions and talk to you about your desired results to determine what treatment is right for you.