Mesotherapy is an amazingly versatile treatment that enables a bespoke combination of powerful vitamins, minerals or hyaluronic acid to be injected into the lower layers of the skin. The personalised blend of nutrients, combined with cutting-edge micro-needling technology, can help to trigger the production of new collagen. Fresh skin cells will replace aged or damaged ones leaving you with a firmer, more toned and radiant complexion.

30-60 Mins

Local Anesthesia


Very High Success Rate
The common benefits of Mesotheraphy are:
- Mesotheraphy is a virtually pain-free and non-invasive procedure.
- It does not cause any long term side effects.
- It does not involve any incisions or cuts, so there is no chance of scarring.
- It requires no downtime.
- It requires very little time for complete healing and recovery.
- It gives instant and long-lasting results.
- It boosts the level of hyaluronic acid in skin that helps maintaining its texture and firmness.
- It also stimulates the production of collagen to improve the tone and texture of skin.
Before & After
Proper preparation for Mesotheraphy leads to greater outcomes. Have a look at some important procedure instructions:
- Drink plenty of water and fluids to stay hydrated.
- Follow a healthy diet.
- Don’t wear makeup before treatment.
- Avoid caffeine for a day or two before treatment.
Post-Procedure Care
- Avoid significant movement or massage of the treated area. Unless instructed by the provider.
- Avoid strenuous exercise for 24 hours.
- Avoid extensive sun or heat for 72 hours.
- Avoid consuming excess amounts of alcohol or salts to avoid excess swelling.
- If you have swelling you may apply a cool compress for 15 minutes each hour.
- Use Tylenol for discomfort.
- Try to sleep face up and slightly elevated if you experience swelling.
- Take Arnica to help the bruising and swelling, start at least 2 days prior to injections.
Traditional Mesotheraphy works by using micro needles to inject a specially-made composition of nutrients directly into the skin, triggering a boost in cell activity. Pending the composition used, Meso treatment can target fat cells, improve the production of collagen and elastin; kick start your metabolism or even increase hair growth. The beauty of Meso treatment, however, is that there is no standard formula. Each composition is specially formulated to target your particular problem areas, and therefore it is a truly tailor-made, miracle treatment.
Mesotheraphy is one of the longer lasting, non-invasive treatments offered at American Aesthetic Medical Center. Outcomes will of course be impacted by your lifestyle moving forward – with results best maintained when paired with regular exercise and nutrition – but you can expect to wear the results of Mesotheraphy for up to a year and a half. Your skin will return to its default, pre-treatment state within 12-18 months of Mesotheraphy.
Mesotheraphy typically takes between 30-60 minutes to complete. As there is no sedation required, Mesotheraphy treatments are just as straightforward as popping into the clinic for something small such as facial or a massage.
It should be noted that if opting for traditional needle Mesotheraphy over the electro-method, patients do have the option to prepare the injection sites with a numbing agent beforehand. This, however, will likely extend your treatment by an additional 30-60 minutes so the anesthetic has time to take effect.
Solutions that are used in Mesotheraphy are bespoke, and will endeavor to treat your particular problem areas. This means that side effects may vary from patient to patient, although are always minimal. The body finds the solution administered during Mesotheraphy very easy to absorb, and as a result, it is no more traumatic to the body than receiving a large, concentrated dose of nutrients.
Some of the small side effects of Mesotheraphy can include minor swelling, sensitivity, redness, itching, temporary bruising or slight bulging around the injection sites as the solution settles. These symptoms will typically subside within 24-48 hours of injections, and will heal leaving no scarring whatsoever.
A course of treatments is usually recommended to gain maximum benefit from this treatment, and the exact number will depend on the area and nature of what is being treated. The physician will discuss your requirements and form a bespoke treatment plan for you during your consultation.
You can see a difference immediately after your treatment, however the results will improve over time as your body produces more collagen to hydrate and restore the skin.