Some Acne myths BUSTED!

Acne Myths and misconceptions have popped up throughout the years and still circulate to this day, in a way similar to the way a pimple appears on an unblemished complexion leaving behind unwanted spots.  In this article, we will bust all but a few of some of these common myths.


MYTH 1: Let us begin with; should a person pop his/her acne?

Videos on the internet of people bursting massive pimples almost always go viral. Our fascination with bursting acne is only exemplified by this example. But although almost an innate reaction, popping normal acne or blackheads can lead to permanent scarring and blemishes in the skin and should be abstained from. Larger furuncles and carbuncles that warrant incisions and drainage should be done by a professional using proper sterile technique to lower the probability of complications.


MYTH 2: Acne only occurs in teenage years.

Most people can look back at their teenage years and remember that they or someone they knew suffered from acne. It might be true that one is more likely to suffer from acne during teenage years because of hormonal changes that occur in the maturing body but adult acne is also a thing. It affects about 1 in 5 adults between 25 and 45 years.


MYTH 3: Chocolate causes acne

It is not entirely true that chocolate causes acne. Some people may find that eating certain chocolates can cause them to break out. But the truth is not all chocolates cause acne. Dark chocolate which has a lower concentration of sugars and a higher concentration of antioxidants actually has anti-inflammatory properties. So if you can’t resist a bite of the chocolate it is advisable to try and develop a taste for dark chocolate.


MYTH 4: Acne means you have dirty skin.

This is entirely false as evidence-based medicine establishes its etiology to be multicausal. Hormonal changes, metabolic, genetic and environmental factors are all but a few of the possible causes linked to acne.  Excessive hygienic measures involving the use of harsh cleansers or chemicals can exacerbate acne. Beneficial microbial flora has made our skin their homes and they are a welcome guest for they help to prevent infections and play vital roles in the body’s immune system. Overcleaning can disrupt the balance between beneficial and harmful bacteria in favor of the latter.

Your face should be washed in the morning, after waking up and at night, before bed with warm water, and a mild cleanser if necessary.


MYTH 5: Diet doesn’t influence my acne at all.

Diet changes can, in fact, help many who suffer from acne. Many different people have allergies and some find that they are more susceptible to acne when they eat a certain food. It is only logical to eliminate such foods and substitute them with others with similar nutritional value.  Drinking plenty of water may also help as dehydration can lead to the skin losing elasticity and decreased rejuvenation overall.


Treatment options for those who suffer from acne

A skin specialist, or dermatologist, can offer patient-centered treatment plans to make sure that your acne is exiled permanently. They can provide you with recommendations and prescriptions of medications and products that will get your skin looking much better and healthier. Medications that they may prescribe are such as;

  • Benzoyl peroxide.
  • Salicyclic acids.
  • Retinoids
  • Hormonal agents.


Procedures are also a treatment option and listed below are some that your dermatologist can suggest;

  • Light therapy using a specific wavelength of light.
  • Photodynamic therapy.
  • Chemical peels.


Our health care providers are readily available to offer you consultations and recommendations to revitalize your skin and get it back to its prime condition.