Chin Reduction

What is Chin Reduction?

Chin reduction surgery is the antithesis of chin augmentation. It is harder to get a good result and the risk of complications is higher. Most of the time, a prominent chin is not just a bone problem but is also too much muscle and skin as well. Failure to treatment all tissues can result in chin dimpling and sagging afterward. Most chin reductions are done from a submental or under the chin skin approach. This allows for bone burring as well as muscle and skin removal and tightening. This would also be a good time to treat a chin dimple or cleft if it is present.


There are many aesthetic and psychological benefits of successful chin removal in Dubai. These include:

  • The treatment is non-invasive
  • The reduced-fat volume below the jawline and chin
  • Enhanced facial profile
  • Quick treatment sessions
  • Improved facial contours
  • Minimal downtime
  • Long lasting results


Only one session is not enough to get best possible results. The exact number of the sessions depends on the condition of your skin, your desired results, and the technique that you are going to adopt. However, as a whole, almost 3-6 sessions are enough.

The treatment is not painful at all. Some slight discomfort may happen.

The procedure is approved by FDA and all of the techniques that we are providing to achieve the best results are approved by FDA. So, don’t worry about side-effects. Hence, slight swelling may happen but it diminishes in a less time period.

The recovery time is less. You may need a few hours to 1-2 days for proper recovery from mild swelling.

Some of the precautions that you should follow for this treatment include regular exercise & healthy and balanced diet with low fat. Also, if you are pregnant then you should avoid it.

You will be able to see the results soon. Hence, it also depends on the method that you have chosen to get. The visibility of the results may vary from a few weeks to a few months according to the adopted procedure.