Arm Lift

What is Arm Lift?

Arm lift is a body contouring procedure that consists of re-sculpting the arm tissue and removing the skin to create a sleeker arm contour. The procedure, also known as brachioplasty, intends to improve the appearance of loose, saggy-looking upper arms. Dr. Hamid Karimi is a Dubai based plastic surgeon that is renowned for his exceptional results for patients undergoing an arm lift in Dubai.



2-3 Hours


Local Anesthesia


2-3 Weeks


Very High Success Rate


The procedure improves your overall appearance by making your arms tight and toned:

  • It gives you a better silhouette.
  • It boosts your self-esteem.
  • Increases clothing options for you.
  • The scars are well-hidden.
  • The results are long-lasting.

Before & After

Preparing for FUE transplant

Preparing well for the surgery is essential for a successful hair transplant. Here is a list of things that you should avoid prior to surgery:

  • Stop taking blood thinners at least two weeks prior to surgery.
  • Quit smoking at least 15 to 20 days before your hair transplant.
  • Stop alcohol consumption at least a week before your transplant is scheduled.
  • Fill all your prescriptions (both painkillers and antibiotics) well in advance.


During an arm lift, your surgeon first marks the areas of extra skin and fat, then administers anesthesia.  Incisions will be made on the under-surface of the arm and excess skin and fat will be removed.  A drain will be inserted, to carry excess fluids from the surgical area, before the incisions are closed and bandaged.  The result of the procedure gives a more youthful and sculpted-looking arm.

Post-operative pain varies considerably from patient-to-patient, and the average person will typically require oral pain medication to treat discomfort over a 5-7 day period.

After an arm lift procedure, some patients experience a feeling of tightness in the upper arm as the area swells resulting from the surgery. Another common side effect that patients report is tingling of the hands and this, as well as other symptoms, resolve relatively quickly with time.

A brachioplasty generally lasts from 2-3 hours, and most patients will be required to spend at least one night in hospital following their surgery.

Most arm lift surgeries are performed under a general anesthetic, although in some cases, a local anesthetic with sedation may be used.

The recovery period after an arm lift depends on whether the procedure is performed exclusively, or combined with other procedures.  Generally, certain activities such as exercising, are restricted for up to two weeks, and you will be asked to wear a compression garment to aid in the healing process.  Every patient heals differently, but by carefully following the instructions your surgeon provides, you will minimize potential problems and speed your recovery.

Your surgeon will advise you to stop smoking at least one month before and one month after surgery, because the nicotine in cigarettes decreases the blood supply to the skin.  Blood supply is a very important factor to the healing process and it is imperative that this guideline is followed.

A good candidate for an arm lift is a person who has flabby arms, or a combination of excess fat and skin.  Typically, the younger the patient the better, although age does not always matter, and the best candidates are those who are in good health and have realistic expectations about surgery.